Friday, January 20, 2012

the reset

the reset
Ever had a bad day at the gym? Nothing works out right, you feel off your last round just wasn't clicking? I dont know what the professional term for what I am about to talk about is but I call it the reset.

And it is just like it sounds basically hit the reset button on your mind. Drop all of your worries and preconcieved notions and focus on the task at hand. During your break take a deep breath, close your eyes and visualize yourself doing the technique correctly. Clear everything else out and focus on that. Cement it in your minds eye and during your next round only worry about that. Keep breathing, let the technique flow and you might just find your actions clicking where they weren't before. Do this every round. Empty your mind, visualize, focus, execute.

Good luck team and keep your hands and your spirits up.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012



I wanted to talk to you about one of my recent successes and hope that it can motivate you to be disciplined in your fitness goals. About two and a half weeks ago I was two and half weeks away from a physical fitness test with the Iowa state troopers. Those of you that know me may know that I applied for this same position in 2010 made it to the last round but did not get selected.

Anyway back to the fitness success story. Physical fitness test for the state troopers is thus: sit and reach to test flexibility, max push ups in a minute, max situps in a minute and a mile and a half run. I always get approximately the same score on sit and reach and developing flexibility in a short period of time is tough so I just did regular stretching. My situps have always been pretty good. and my run is pretty solid just about 7 minute miles. I figured the only thing I could quantitatively improve was my pushups. So I went on a search to find a good pushup work out I could do to improve my pushups. I found this site:
So this brings us to the EVIL RUSSIAN. If you look at the sets none of it is impossible but if you are disciplined in your approach I can personally guarantee that the Evil Russian will increase your pushups. I honestly should have been daily blogging about my feelings while doing the Evil Russian but lets be honest It was the holidays and I didnt feel like getting on and blogging about it every day but I did post workouts on face book incase people wanted to join me. Two people did Diogenes Ayala and Steve Downing. We will get to the success stories at the end. So lets break this down day by day of the Evil Russian

Mon: 100% test, relative intensity (RI) 30% Set frequency (SF) 60 min
First day. Max test got 52 pushups. Felt good doing 30% of max every hour. Constant pump all day

Tues: RI 50% SF 60 min
Pushups ever hour keep the blood flowing and your mind sharp very good day for pushups

Wed: RI 60% SF 45 min
This day was a little tougher. Towards the end of the day i was getting near failure on my sets but kept going.

Thurs: RI 25% SF 60 min
Another good day of constant pump loving it.

Fri: RI 45% SF 30 min
Up the frequency and felt good all day. Probably did just about 700 pushups this day and loved it.

Sat: RI 40% SF 60 min
A nice recoop day

Sun: RI 20% SF 90 min
Easy day just kept the muscles loose but now we step it up for like 3 straight days.

Mon: 100% test RI 35% SF 45min
Another test 53 for max boy was I dissappointed but I wanted to see this thing through so I stuck to it.

Tues: RI 55% SF 20 min
BIIIIIIIGG day for pushups I actually kept track all day of how many pushups I did and the grand total was 1215 thats more pushups than minutes I was awake that day.

Wed: RI 30% SF 15 min
Just like tuesday its tough to remember to drop down and prais the pushup gods every 15 to 20 minutes. When you miss a set try and make it up if you can't no big deal.

Thurs: RI 65% SF 60min
I was very sore this day and this was the highest set intesity for the day. Very tough to make it through.

Fri: RI 35% SF 45 min
Easy day light intesity decent frequency.

Sat: RI 45% SF 60 min
another good constant pump day.

Sun: RI 25% SF120 min
A day of rest... almost the evil russian is almost done now just the final test.

Mon: 100% test
Ok I cant lie. I did not do a max test on monday I took the day off because as I explained earlier I had the State Trooper test today and I wanted to be fully rested. Even though it was kind of nerve racking not knowing my total.

Come to today.
Big physical fitness test. I really wanted to show well because if you can show well physically it shows them discipline because the normal person is not going to come into this a score high without training. So back at the beginning of the evil russian my max was 52 then mid evil russian 53 I was hoping for around 60. A perfect score is 62 pushups in a minute. I assumed the position and knocked out 67 of those bad boys in minute.
In two weeks of the evil russian I increased my pushups by 28%. I can honestly say I was astonished.
Lets move on to Diogenes. I talked to him today and he increased his from 25 max to 40 max which is a 60% increase in two weeks.
Steve increased his from 42 to 52 which is a 23% increase and he said he missed a lot of sets because of work but still showed great improvement.

This two week exercise has show Steve, Diogenes and myself what a focused disciplined mindset can a lead you to great success in your fitness goals. I hope everyone can have some successes like this in the upcoming year. So Comrades lets set the next goal and see how we do. Good luck and best wishes.

Best of luck