Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The "Cycle"

Let's talk about the "Cycle" for moment, shall we?  Now, I'm not talking about a Harley Davidson motorCYCLE, or even the rinse Cycle on your washing machine. And no ladies, not the dreaded menstrual Cycle either, ;-)

The "cycle" I am referring to, is the cycle when we start a fitness routine (with great intentions to reach the lofty goals we set) and then fall short somewhere in the middle, giving up on the desired goals, and blaming everything under the sun for our failure, except our own lack of focus and discipline....only to set another goal 3 or 4 months later and go right back on the "cycle" AGAIN.  The most common fitness cycle is the New Year Resolution Cycle. This is the time of year when everyone decides "this is it!!!"  "I am going to do it this year!!!" "I am going to lose 30 lbs"....or, "I am going to finally put on some more muscle this time"...etc, etc. We have all heard the claims, stories, boasts, and even the reasons for failure...and a majority of us have been the ones even saying those things. You see...no one is immune to the "Cycle". It gets everyone! It has no prejudice. We ALL fall victim at some point in life.! So what we have to look at, is 1. how does this happen? and, 2. how can I avoid it?

How does it happen?
Well, honestly we never see it coming, because we set out with all good intentions, and determinations to succeed. But It sneaks up on us right away. Day 1 of your new fitness program and you hit it full speed ahead. What happens?  You get serious lactic acid build up, hence SORE muscles, making the next day's workout so dreadful..so, you skip it!  Then the next day you go in and work a different body part and..BAM! Lactic acid hits THOSE muscles too...what do you do now? You skip yet another day..and then another. Then your routine becomes sporadic at best, and you find more reasons to skip it..like, "my boss made me stay late"...or "my boss made me come in early"..or, "my kids had a school function that I had to attend"..or "it was storming out, so I took the day off, figured it wouldn't hurt to miss just one" (not thinking about all the other days you missed leading up to this stormy day).

With ME, it happens a little more regular than just on January 1 of the new year. I may train for a fight, or an event of some sort, and accomplish my goals with that fight or event, but then "take a break". Well, that "break" ends up being months, thus taking me right back to square one...starting over on a new "Cycle"!

Do you ever find yourself making the claim, "There is alway tomorrow", or with me, it's "Im starting on Monday", Because for some unexplainable reason "TODAY" just is not good enough, since it may be a Tuesday or a Friday or a Sunday, lol. Listen, I have a very important famous quote to share with you...are you ready? Listen close.......THERE IS NO TOMORROW......which in my case, there is no Monday!!

So you can see how this horrible cycle begins, and ends, and begins again...just to end again, yada yada yada...right?  And I am sure many of you have a different story, but the essence of the story is still the same.
So.....how do we AVOID it??

How to avoid it!
1. Reasonable Goals: First and foremost, your goals have to be attainable, and set in a reasonable time frame. This will give you a "feeling out" start...meaning take the first week at a reasonable pace so you do not get the lactic acid build up as much. And realize you will not reach your goals in one week. So plan out your progress, set it up in increments or phases. Write it all down, chart it out, that way you can hold yourself accountable.

2. Partner Up: begin your trek with a buddy. It is WAAAAYYY easier to get through the rough first week with a friend. Then, it is both of you sore and tired and looking for a way out; but what happens is when one person tries to quit, the other says "uh uh..NO WAY! you got me into this you are going to see it through, because I am NOT quitting". So you both hold each other accountable and share in your success together. Your success rate, working with a friend will be much greater than going it alone. Don't be a rebel, ;-)
*side note: a "partner" can also be a personal trainer, as he or she will help hold you accountable as well.

3.Nutrition:  This is KEY to your success! If you do not know how or what to fuel your body with, seek out a certified Nutritionist to guide you. Eating "right" can be just as tough as staying on your physical routine...unless, you have that partner to share in it with you. See, your buddy will be able to help you get through the nutrition side of your quest just as easy as the physical side. So call each other daily to keep track of your food/water consumption...trust me, it DOES make a difference! ;-)

4. Training Resources: This one is VERY important as well. There are sooo many training methods and various facilities, gyms, clubs who offer those methods. Let's break it down into two areas, though: INDIVIDUAL and GROUP.  Now, I consider "individual" as you (even if it's with a buddy) going to a gym and doing your own routine, be it on a treadmill or stepper, lifting weights (free weights or machines), running on the track or outside, bicycling, etc etc...."Group" would be in a "class" setting, like a kickboxing class, or yoga class, or strength/conditioning class, etc etc. THIS type of environment breeds Energy! Excitement! hidden Competition! (a necessity for success) and a "TEAM" atmosphere which makes you feel like you are NOT alone, you are in it together, with everyone in the class. And then there is the coach who is right there Encouraging, Motivating, Complimenting. Success is Much Much greater in a group setting, than an individual setting. The key is finding a group class that is convenient (affordable and close to home or work), has a qualified coach, and a good diversified workout routine that will guide you to success.

Finally, the last piece of the puzzle is the "Life Skills". These are the mental and emotional traits that will carry you through when the goals seem out of reach and the path chosen is very difficult to navigate. Here are a few:

Attitude..you must be positive at all times, with a "never give up" mindset.

Discipline...you must stay on course and hold yourself accountable even when you want to give up.
Respect...you must respect yourself enough to want to make a change in your life, for the better.
Focus...you must stay concentrated on your goal, not letting any distractions lead you astray.
Confidence...you must Believe in yourself. Know you can do it! This is THE most powerful word known! 

So, there ya have it folks! The "CYCLE"....How it happens, AND how to avoid it.

Now, let's go set some new goals, and REACH them! Here's to your success...GO FOR IT!

Good luck,
Pete Peterson
Roundkick Gym-Urbandale & Carroll


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